Brand Rep Sign Ups

We want you on our team! We are in search of some fun and positive individuals to join our team. Listed below are just a few of the perks we offer. All we ask in return is for you to promote our business on Tiktok, Instagram and Facebook. This can be as simple as sharing our products with your discount code, liking and engaging with our posts. Who doesn't love commission, discount codes and free merchandise? Please fill out the contact form below with your social media usernames and we will respond back to your email with more info!

  • Fun Community

    - Join our instagram chat group

    - Fun individuals from all over the US

    - Be the first to know about new releases

  • Commission & Discounts

    - 15% commission paid anytime someone uses your code

    - 25% off code for you to use at anytime

    -15% off code for you to share with friends and family

  • Other Perks

    - Occassional free merchandise

    - A chance to model our clothing

    - Shoutout on our stories when you sign up

    - Cancel your rep status at anytime

Sign Up to be a brand rep today!